Avalanche Offers to Migrate Otherside Metaverse from Ethereum

Avalanche Offers to Migrate Otherside Metaverse from Ethereum

The ApeCoin DAO has received a proposal by the Avalanche core team to shift the Otherside metaverse onto a subnet of Avalanche from Ethereum.

The ApeCoin DAO is the governance body of ApeCoin, a token developed by Yuga Labs. The Otherside metaverse is also being developed by Yuga Labs. However, it is unclear whether the ApeCoin DAO has any say or control over the metaverse.

The proposal was submitted a month after Yuga Labs complained of Ethereum’s network congestion and increasing gas fees during the mint sale of its Otherside metaverse land NFTs. In return, the Yuga Labs reimbursed gas fees to the users for their failed transactions.  

Avalanche states in its proposal, “We propose that ApeCoin DAO launches Otherside on an Avalanche subnet to support Otherside’s future community growth through rapid transaction processing, higher throughput, greater ability to scale and lower gas fees.” 

Avalanche is a Layer 1 blockchain and has been marketing itself as a faster and cheaper alternative to Ethereum. A unique feature of Avalanche allows it to spin up subnets, which are blockchains created by individual networks on top of the main network.

Emin Gün Sirer, CEO of Ava Labs, the core development firm behind Avalanche tweeted, “ApeCoin would be fantastic as an Avalanche subnet, and benefit from the superior performance of its dedicated chain on the fastest consensus protocol.” 

“And the coin would have an additional use case that would help its market and regulatory stance.”

However, the proposal may not get the traction Avalanche was hoping for. Apart from the fact that the ApeCoin DAO may not even have any say in Otherside, the DAO members have expressed a mixed range of views.

Read Also: ApeCoin DAO is Looking at Offers for Migrating off Ethereum

A member has even presented a proposal to prevent migration from Ethereum.

Another member reminded the forum that the Otherside project is not within the purview of the DAO, however, they too prefer the Layer 2 route. 

Certain other community members think that Otherside should remain on the Ethereum blockchain and expand via the available Layer 2 scaling solutions.

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